Good night!
Before I say farewell to you this time, I've gotta inform you that this friday the shakeitshejs will reunite again and SUCCEED TO TAKE THE WORLD, MOAHAHAHAH!!
No, just kidding :)
We will have a very cozy and girly sleepover and have pillowfights, and paint eachothers nails, and watch High School Musical... and PLOT TO KILL!!!
Tihihi. To get the shejs in spirit I thought I could put up some pictures of the last time we rocked the world.
Hmm... I do not know what they are doing...
Me striking a pose with Hannahlicious!
The OMG-catz
They kicked me out, so I had to sleep on a bench.
I adore my smile, don't you?
OMG everyone togethah! No wait... someting small is missing...
Evil takes it's form in....
The Wannabeatles
And ayy... the rest of the pictures are censured...