I'm such a good friend <3
You guys. I am SUCH a good fucking friend. I'm at my friend's house right now, sitting in her room, comforting her because she's sad about something that happened tonight. She's been crying a lot and I've been hugging her a lot. I'm such a nice person :)
I made her tea too, but I've never made tea before so it turned out cold and disgusting. She took one sip of it and then put it away... but whatever, it's the thought that counts right?? Another piece of evidence that shows I'm an awesome friend.
But she is very upset and I'm really sorry for her... So these pictures are dedicated to her:
One for her feelings: (sad)

One for how I'm treating her: (extremely awesomely)

And one to cheer her up: (btw this is my new profile pic on facebook)

So what I want to say is, my little unicorns, that you always have to be there for your friends. At least if you have nothing else to do :D
KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!! (I should get to sleep LOL it's already almost half past 3 ROFLMAO)
Where's the snow, where's the snow, where's the snow?
Hello my little unicorns!
It's already the 3rd of December, can you believe it?! I was just outside with my dog, taking a little walk, and realized - there's still no snow!!! It's really weird; normally we would've had snow for like a month now here in Sweden. I'm scared we won't have a white christmas!! :'( wouldn't that just be the most awful of things? I sure think so. I would like, die. Seriously. Totally.
Stockholm right now. Looks like it's fuckin October or something.

What is SHOULD look like!

What do you think about our oh so snowless society? Do you think it's nice or do you think it SUCKS, like me?!
Tell me, my dear little unicorns!
TAYLOOOR <3 <3 <3
Just had to show you this picture I drew. It's not that good but anyway it's for Taylor, the awesomest (um..... can you say that? awkwaaard if not) artist ever. EVER. Kisses! Goodnight!!!

I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town <3
I. Am. Dead.
Heey unicorns. Just got back from soccer practise, and I am seriously completely DEAD. Almost felt like throwing up. That would've been so embarassing in front of our hot coach though heheheheh, so I didn't. But seriously I'm like shaking right now. He's really being hard on us, and sometimes I feel like SLAPPING THE FUCK OUT OF HIM WITH A CHAIR RIGHT IN HIS PRETTY FACE, but it helps that he's cute. Something that would make practise a whole lot easier though was if all of my team mates looked like this:

Perfection <3
I think that will be all for me today, I'm real sweaty you know and I have to study too. So goodbye my darling unicorns!!! I'll show yaah this picture again because I know you just love it:

Just us being normal
This is a video I just made with one of my friends, Aggie! Our favourite song <3 <3 <3 Do you like it, my little unicorns?? Kisses!
Something terrible just happened...
Sorry that I'm so upset but it's just been a real traumatizing day for mig... But as I said in the video I'm gonna try and cheer up for you since it's my day of blogging today!! Love you, my unicorns! <3
Good night. Godnatt. Buenas noches. Bonne nuit. Gute nacht. 晚安。
It's been an awesome 1st day with this blog, don't you think? I've had a woooonderful time. Love you all with my whole heart. Seriously. In a sincere manner. To a serious extent. ♥
Tomorrow, another one of us will be your blogger of the day! Don't know who it'll be yet but I sure am excited! It's gonna be awesooooome, epic, ledgendary. Yep. All those things. Gr8 M8.
See you this weekend, or next week!!! Take care my little unicorns, I love you (for more details, se paragraph no 1 of this post).
This one's for you:

And there are some other pictures I want you to see. Speaking of sexy.

Yep. He's russian. And his name is seriously Vladimir. I don't know about you but I'd tap that ass.

FUCK. YEAH. No need to tell you who this is. Everyone already knows it.

Milo Ventimiglia. I ♥ (definitely no question mark)
Sexy and I know it.
Just wanted to show you some of my favourite poses when someone's taking a picture of me. Sexy huh??? I warn you though. These aren't for the faint hearted.

Cookin' dinner!!!
Heeey you guys!! Here's a little video for you that I made just now, it's the first video of this blog! WOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! This calls for a celebration. Awesome. Hope you like it my little unicorns. Kisses!
Sorry about the sound in the video, it's slightly behind I think...? Oh well.
Hey. You look fucking amazing, blog.
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