15 FuN fUrRy fAcTS aBouT mOi!!!

Beautiful me!!!!! I haven't done anything to this pic, can you believe it?!
NUMERO UNO: I love pink fluffy unicorns that dance on rainbows. ♥
NUMERO DOS: I'm the sweetest bitch you'll ever meet. ♥
NUMERO TRES: I love fantasizing about teachers at my school. ♥
NUMERO CUATRO: I like secretly watching people from a distance (I think the word stalking is offensive). ♥
NUMERO CINCO: I love baking and then eating them all in under 10 minutes by myself. ♥
NUMERO SEIS: Whenever I'm alone I stalk people's facebook and pretend I'm a part of their lives. ♥
NUMERO SIETE: I haven't been naughty this year (if you don't count the 9 cases of assault I've been charged with). ♥
NUMERO OCHO: That's how many months I've spent in prison. ♥
NUMERO NUEVE: I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil-occasion (LOL who am I kidding I would love to). ♥
NUMERO DIEZ: Any guy would be lucky to have me. My mommy says so! ♥
NUMERO ONCE: I like sugarcoating things for people so that when they find out the truth they cry that much more. ♥
NUMERO DOCE: I've brainwashed my dog to help me with taking over the world. ♥
NUMERO TRECE: I can't really count to fifteen in Spanish so I use google translate. ♥
NUMERO CATORCE: I'm a remote-nazi. I'M in charge of the TV. ♥
NUMERO QUINCE: I'm exceedingly bright for my age, as you can obviously tell. ♥
And THAT'S the way the cookie crumbles! It won't be long until my next post, so hold on my little unicorns! LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥