Hello my little donkeys
I am bored.
1. How old are you in five years?
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?
My dear class <3
3. How tall are you?
121 com, I am a dwarf. Btw, vote for me in dwarf awards, lovies! <3
4. What was the last movie you saw?
"How To Be Popular."
5. Who did you call latest?
Myself. I like to prank call myself.
6. Who called you latest?
Didn't you read the last answer??
7. How did the last text you got sound?
Baby, I love you - Cody Simpson
8. Do you prefer calling or text messeging?
See question number 5 & 6
9. Are your parents married or divorce?
10. When did you last see your Mom?
This morning.
11. What eye color do you have?
Black if I'm hungry, red if I'm satisfied, and glimmery gold if I've eaten carrots.
12. When did you wake this morning?
4 o'clock, i went fishing in the pond.
13. What is your favorite christmas song?
"Have yourself a merry little christmas"
14. What is your favorite place?
On mars.
15. What place do you prefer the least?
16. Where do you think you are in 10 years?
Graduated, perhaps.
17. What scared you as a child?
18. What got you laughing latest?
My reflection in the mirror.
19. How big is your bed?
Creep alarm!!
20. Do you have a stationary or portable computer?
21. Do you sleep with or without pyjamas?
With pyjamas, 3 pair of socks, 2 pair of gloves, 4 scarves. And a hat.
22. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Ew, none!!
23.How many provinces have you lived in?
24. Which cities have you lived in?
Stockholm, Shang Hai, Rio de Janeiro, Vancouver, Moskow, Johannesbourg, Sydney. Yaiy
25. Do you prefer shoes, socks or barefoot?
26. Are you social?
Yes, but appearantly no one else is....
27. What is your favorite ice-cream?
Isn't that a bit private?
28. What is your favorite dessert?
I love everything. Seriously.
29. Do you like china food?
Chinese food or food in China?
30. Do you like coffee?
Indeeeed. No.
31. What do you drink for breakfast?
Nail polish.
32. Do you sleep on a side?
I sleep on the side I wake up in.
34. Do you like cozing up/cuddling?
I like cuddling with my posters of Cody Simpson and Ulrik Munther.
35. Are you an addicted person?
.... maybe....
37. Do you want children?
I hate children.
38. Do you know any other languages then swedish?
43 languages.
39. Have you ever gone in an ambulance?
No, but I've made people ride ambulances.
40. Do you prefer the sea or a pool?
Are these questions done yet?
41. What do you mostly spend your money on?
The pig Leopold books! :)
42. Do you own any valuable jewellery?
No, I just own a weird ring with some kind of writing in, which I love and I think it's precious and I get froth when I touch it.
43. What is your favorite tv-programme?
Phineas and Ferb
44. Can you roll your tongue?
Yes. Wanna see?
45. Who is the funniest person you know?
46. Do yu sleep with stuffed animals?
Doesn't... everyone...?
47. What is your ringtone?
I'm a barbe girl
48. Do you have baby clothes left from when you were small?
Sure, got them on now!
49. What is the closest thing to you now that is red?
A picture of my science teacher on my wall.
50. Do you flirt a lot?
In school... with certain people...
51. Can you change oil in the car?
What on earth do you have olive oil in the car for? It's not like a greek man stands by the road wanting to lift in Sweden.
56. Do you dance in the car?
I dance ON the car.
57. What radiostation did you listen to the latest?
59. When where you in church latest?
On sunday??? Duh.
61. How long have you camped in a tent the longest?
Please... please make these questions stop...
62. Who was it that did something extra special for you latest?
Myself. I treated myself to a big chocolate cupcake.
63. What are you listening to right now?
My brother calling for dinner.
65. What is the weirdest thing you've eaten?
66. Who saw you naked latest?
someone staring at me at the other side of the mirror.
67. What color is your toothbrush?
Creeep alarm AGAIN. God.
68. How do I impress you?
By not asking STUPID QUESTIONS!!
69. Who calls you when you're sad/angry?
70. Do you have any pearcings?
Yes. Of course!!
71. Your biggest win?
This is a true story. I won 100 dollars to spend on a prom dress, but when I said I came from Sweden, they gave the money to another person.
72. Relationship status?
3 boyfriends.
73. What web pages do you go to daily?
74. Are you vain?
No, absolutely not... Just like to look fabulous everyday, which I totally do.
75. Do you regret something you've done??
76. How old is your father?
I don't know, how old is darth vader?
77. What is your dream job?
79. What pets have you had during your life?
I just have my pet duck named Ryan Goose-ling here. He's chinese.
80. Tell us three things your readers probably don't know about you?
1. I snort with laughter at myself. 2. Lol, I'm not that funny 3. yes, I am. Like a boss.
81. Do you swear a lot?
Fuck no.
83. Can you go slalom?
Yes I slalom my way through life, avoiding all obsticles.
84. What have you eaten today?
Breakfast, the taste of chewing gum, bread and milk for lunch, then cereal and snickers.
85. What education do you have?
86. Which bodypart are you happiest with?
87. Which bodypart are you most disapointed with?
88. What is your best feature?
89. What is your worst feature?
Haven't we've gone through this?
90. Name two historical people that inspire you?
91. Do you miss anything?
92. Is it important celebrating birthdays?
93. What makes you sad?
Nothing. I am a happy person.
94. What makes you happy?
My best friends. I love my class so much!!! And you readers!!!!! <3
95. Have you been married or engaged?
Yes, in fact. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple. An ugly pineapple. Ah, but I loved him.
96. What are you doing this weekend?
97. What is the weirdest thing you've ever done?
I surpass myself every day.
99.Who is your role model?
My duck Ryan Goose-ling wh is sitting staring at me. He is smoking hot. No seriously, burning. SERIOUSLY HE'S ON FIRE!! ARE THESE QUESTIONS DONE YET!?!??!?!
100. What are you doing when these questions are done?
TAYLOOOR <3 <3 <3

I. Am. Dead.

Just us being normal
Something terrible just happened...
Artwork <3

Goodnight and kisses!
I am sooo tired right now... And on top of everything I have homework.. FML. It's tough being a star not yet discovered. You have to put up with so much crap.
This is just a picture I took yesterday without makeup. I must say I look pretty good right?!? It's just one of those things I can pull off, looks and photo poses. I'm quite photogenic actually.
Xoxo //hannah aka hannahlicious
True star revealed!
Heyyy guys!! So sorry I haven't updated until this hour, even though it's MY DAY today! But as we all know a true star is never late! And I can asure you I am worth waiting 4! As if you didn't already know that.. ^^
Anyways, be sure to check out shakeitshejs every thursday to find a glimpse of my glaaamorous life. And don't you be sad about your life being more gray and dull - it's hard to live up to my high standard! On my day you will see me as I roll celebrity style, and maybe even hear me sing a few tones? That is, of course, if you've been good readers and not naughty, HaHa!
You might get a little video later on,
Xoxo //hannah aka hannalicious
Facelook <333

Hello my little mushkins
Vy ello sveet readers. i hope youre enjoying yourselves being here on dis blog.
heeeeeej det är sandra, jag siter i skolan med jennyn just nu ♥♥♥
min dag med bloggen idag, kul va??? Gud va kul vi ska ha idag!! Hihi.
tänkte inte säga det här, men idag ska jag kanske lägga upp en videoblogg! spännande va??
och juste, shiiiett, idag på lunchen kände vi oss lite flummiga,hihi,och hade en riv en servett så den blir så lång så lång som möjligt tävling!! :D Omg, gissa vad, JAG VANN!! <333
en låt vi gått och sjungit på hela dan <3333
ha en bra dag!! kramizzzz
Good night. Godnatt. Buenas noches. Bonne nuit. Gute nacht. 晚安。

Sexy and I know it.

Cookin' dinner!!!
Hey. You look fucking amazing, blog.

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